44 research outputs found

    Kenen ääni kuuluu rikosuutisissa? : Tarkastelussa neljän sanomalehden oikeudenkäyntejä koskevat rikosuutiset

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    Rikosuutiset ovat suosittuja lukijoiden keskuudessa ja niitä julkaistaan runsaasti. Rikosuutisointi on aikaistunut, nopeutunut, pidentynyt, tarinallistunut, tunteellistunut ja siinä esiin tuotavat näkökulmat ovat monipuolistuneet. Rikosuutisoinnilla voidaan katsoa olevan yhteiskunnallisesti merkittäviä tehtäviä, joten sen toteuttamista on syytä tarkkailla. Tässä tutkimuksessa analysoidaan sanomalehden oikeudenkäyntejä koskevia rikosuutisia. Työssä tarkastellaan 174 rikosuutista, jotka julkaistiin Aamulehdessä, Helsingin Sanomissa, Keskisuomalaisessa ja Turun Sanomissa vuonna 2020. Työssä käytetään tutkimusmenetelmänä sekä määrällistä että laadullista sisällönanalyysia. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat sellaiset rikosuutiset, jotka käsittelevät rikosasian oikeudenkäyntiä ennen kuin oikeus on antanut asiasta ratkaisuaan. Tuossa vaiheessa ei vielä tiedetä, onko syytetty oikeuden mielestä syyllinen siihen rikokseen, josta syyttäjä vaatii hänelle rangaistusta. Työssä tarkastellaan erityisesti syyttäjän ja syytetyn näkemyksen esiin tuomista näitä keskeneräisiä oikeudenkäyntejä koskevissa uutisissa. Siinä tutkitaan sitä, kumman ääni kuuluu rikosuutisissa. Työssä osoitetaan, että puolessa aineiston rikosuutisista tuodaan esiin sekä syyttäjän että syytetyn näkemys. Niissä siis kerrotaan kummankin oikeudenkäynnin keskeisen osapuolen kanta tuomioistuimen käsittelyssä olevaan rikosasiaan. Jos rikosuutisesta kuitenkin jää pois jommankumman käsitys, se on hieman useammin syytetyn kuin syyttäjän. Yli kuudesosassa rikosuutisia syyttäjä pääsee ääneen yksinään. Näistä uutisista ei ilmene esimerkiksi se, onko syytetty omasta mielestään syyllinen häntä vastaan ajettaviin syytteisiin. Tutkimuksessa esitetään useita syitä havaituille löydöksille. Niitä voidaan selittää muun muassa rikosuutisoinnissa hyödynnettävien asiakirjojen laatimisesta, niiden julkisuudesta ja toimittamisesta johtuvilla seikoilla sekä oikeudenkäynnin etenemisestä ja osapuolten tavoitettavuudesta kumpuavilla syillä. Vaikutusta voi olla myös esimerkiksi lähteiden luotettavuuteen liittyvillä asioilla ja rikostoimittamisen arkikäytäntöihin liittyvillä seikoilla. Tutkimus valottaa myös rikosuutisoinnin kehitystä, historiaa ja rikosjournalismia ohjaavaa sääntelyä. Työ tuo uutta tietoa rikosuutisoinnista ja nostaa esiin kysymyksen rikosuutisoinnin syyllistävyydestä

    Denominações de origem e indicações geográficas na tradução vitivinícola: problemas terminológicos

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    O objetivo desta dissertação é examinar problemas terminológicos e a importância da preparação e pesquisa terminológica na tradução especializada. O tema escolhido é a tradução de documentação sobre as Denominações de Origem e Indicações Geográficas dos vinhos portugueses, nomeadamente dos vinhos da Região do Dão. Começa-se por apresentar no Capítulo I uma introdução às Denominações de Origem e as classificações utilizadas para vinhos portugueses. No Capítulo II estudamos os problemas mais comuns dos recursos tradutológicos, contemplando a preparação e a pesquisa terminológica que devem anteceder o processo de tradução, discutindo a bibliografia relevante e caraterizando o corpus de análise. No Capítulo III discutimos os recursos para a tradução vitivinícola. No Capítulo IV contemplamos os problemas de tradução nos documentos escolhidos para a tradução e as suas soluções. Finalmente, apresentamos as conclusões e sugerimos vias para investigações posteriores; Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications in Translating Wine- Related Documents: Terminological Problems ABSTRACT: The purpose of this dissertation is to examine terminological problems and the importance of preparation and terminology work in the field of specialized translation. The chosen topic is the translation of documents containing terminology about Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications of Portuguese wines, namely wines from the Dão region. Chapter I provides an introduction to Designations of Origin in general and then specifically for Portuguese wines. Chapter II examines common translation resource problems and the importance of documentation and terminology work prior to the translation process; then, it discusses the relevant bibliography. Chapter III provides a translation of two documents about Designations of Origin, namely Labelling Regulations and Guide for Technical Procedures of Management and Control for the wines of the Dão. Chapter IV discusses the difficulties and solutions for the translation problems encountered during the process. Finally, the conclusions are shown and suggestions for future research are given

    Palkkaus ja ammattinimikkeen arvostus

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    Tutkimme olemassa olevan tutkimusaineiston pohjalta kulttuurituottajan, tradenomin ja yhteisöpedagogin palkkausta, palkkauksen perusteita ja työllistymisastetta. Näiden kaikkien ammattien edustajat työskentelevät osaksi samankaltaisissa vastuullisissa tehtävissä yrityksissä, yrittäjinä sekä julkisella ja 3. sektorilla. Heidän tehtävänsä vaihtelevat asiantuntijatehtävistä erityisasiantuntija- ja johtotehtäviin

    Increasing Prevalence and High Risk of Associated Anomalies in Congenital Vertebral Defects : A Population-based Study

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    Background: Congenital vertebral anomalies are a heterogeneous group of diagnoses, and studies on their epidemiology are sparse. Our aim was to investigate the national prevalence and mortality of these anomalies, and to identify associated anomalies. Methods: We conducted a population-based nationwide register study and identified all cases with congenital vertebral anomalies in the Finnish Register of Congenital Malformations from 1997 to 2016 including live births, stillbirths, and elective terminations of pregnancy because of major fetal anomalies. Cases were categorized based on the recorded diagnoses, associated major anomalies were analyzed, and prevalence and infant mortality were calculated. Results: We identified 255 cases of congenital vertebral anomalies. Of these, 92 (36%) were diagnosed with formation defects, 18 (7.1%) with segmentation defects, and 145 (57%) had mixed vertebral anomalies. Live birth prevalence was 1.89 per 10,000, and total prevalence was 2.20/10,000, with a significantly increasing trend over time (P < 0.001). Overall infant mortality was 8.2% (18/219); 3.5% (3/86) in patients with formation defects, 5.6% (1/18) in segmentation defects, and 12.2% (14/115) in mixed vertebral anomalies (P = 0.06). Co-occurring anomalies and syndromes were associated with increased mortality, P = 0.006. Majority of the cases (82%) were associated with other major anomalies affecting most often the heart, limbs, and digestive system. Conclusions: In conclusion, the prevalence of congenital vertebral anomalies is increasing significantly in Finnish registers. Detailed and systematic examination is warranted in this patient population to identify underlying comorbidities as the majority of cases are associated with congenital major anomalies.Peer reviewe

    Correlation of Somatostatin Receptor 1–5 Expression, [68Ga]Ga-DOTANOC, [18F]F-FDG PET/CT and Clinical Outcome in a Prospective Cohort of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to correlate immunohistochemical (IHC) tissue levels of SSTR1-5 with the receptor density generated from [68Ga]Ga-DOTANOC uptake in a prospective series of NF-PNENs. Methods: Twenty-one patients with a total of thirty-five NF-PNEN-lesions and twenty-one histologically confirmed lymph node metastases (LN+) were included in this prospective study. Twenty patients were operated on, and one underwent endoscopic ultrasonography and core-needle biopsy. PET/CT with both [68Ga]Ga-DOTANOC and [18F]F-FDG was performed on all patients. All histological samples were re-classified and IHC-stained with monoclonal SSTR1-5 antibodies and Ki-67 and correlated with [68Ga]Ga-DOTANOC and [18F]F-FDG PET/CT. Results: Expression of SSTR1-5 was detected in 74%, 91%, 80%, 14%, and 77% of NF-PNENs. There was a concordance of SSTR2 IHC with positive/negative [68Ga]Ga-DOTANOC finding (Spearman’s rho 0.382, p = 0.043). All [68Ga]Ga-DOTANOC-avid tumors expressed SSTR2 or SSTR3 or SSTR5. Expression of SSTR5 was higher in tumors with a low Ki-67 proliferation index (PI) (−0.353, 95% CI −0.654–0.039, p = 0.038). The mean Ki-67 PI for SSTR5 positive tumors was 2.44 (SD 2.56, CI 1.0–3.0) and 6.38 (SD 7.25, CI 2.25–8.75) for negative tumors. Conclusion: SSTR2 was the only SSTR subtype to correlate with [68Ga]Ga-DOTANOC PET/CT. Our prospective study confirms SSTR2 to be of the highest impact for SST PET/CT signal

    Correlation of Somatostatin Receptor 1–5 Expression, [68Ga]Ga-DOTANOC, [18F]F-FDG PET/CT and Clinical Outcome in a Prospective Cohort of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to correlate immunohistochemical (IHC) tissue levels of SSTR1-5 with the receptor density generated from [68Ga]Ga-DOTANOC uptake in a prospective series of NF-PNENs. Methods: Twenty-one patients with a total of thirty-five NF-PNEN-lesions and twenty-one histologically confirmed lymph node metastases (LN+) were included in this prospective study. Twenty patients were operated on, and one underwent endoscopic ultrasonography and core-needle biopsy. PET/CT with both [68Ga]Ga-DOTANOC and [18F]F-FDG was performed on all patients. All histological samples were re-classified and IHC-stained with monoclonal SSTR1-5 antibodies and Ki-67 and correlated with [68Ga]Ga-DOTANOC and [18F]F-FDG PET/CT. Results: Expression of SSTR1-5 was detected in 74%, 91%, 80%, 14%, and 77% of NF-PNENs. There was a concordance of SSTR2 IHC with positive/negative [68Ga]Ga-DOTANOC finding (Spearman’s rho 0.382, p = 0.043). All [68Ga]Ga-DOTANOC-avid tumors expressed SSTR2 or SSTR3 or SSTR5. Expression of SSTR5 was higher in tumors with a low Ki-67 proliferation index (PI) (−0.353, 95% CI −0.654–0.039, p = 0.038). The mean Ki-67 PI for SSTR5 positive tumors was 2.44 (SD 2.56, CI 1.0–3.0) and 6.38 (SD 7.25, CI 2.25–8.75) for negative tumors. Conclusion: SSTR2 was the only SSTR subtype to correlate with [68Ga]Ga-DOTANOC PET/CT. Our prospective study confirms SSTR2 to be of the highest impact for SST PET/CT signal

    Prediction of the aggressiveness of non-functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors based on the dual-tracer PET/CT

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    Abstract Background Predicting the aggressive behavior of non-functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (NF-PNET) remains controversial. We wanted to explore, in a prospective setting, whether the diagnostic accuracy can be improved by dual-tracer functional imaging 68Ga-DOTANOC and 18F-FDG-PET/CT in patients with NF-PNETs. Methods Thirty-one patients with NF-PNET (90% asymptomatic) underwent PET-imaging with 18F-FDG and 68Ga-DOTANOC, followed by surgery (n = 20), an endoscopic ultrasonography and fine-needle biopsy (n = 2) or follow-up (n = 9). A focal activity on PET/CT greater than the background that could not be identified as physiological activity was considered to indicate tumor tissue. The imaging results were compared to histopathology. The mean follow-up time was 31.3 months. Results Thirty-one patients presented a total of 53 lesions (40 histologically confirmed) on PET/CT. Thirty patients had a 68Ga-DOTANOC-positive tumor (sensitivity 97%) and 10 patients had an 18F-FDG-positive tumor. In addition, one 68Ga-DOTANOC-negative patient was 18F-FDG-positive. 18F-FDG-PET/CT was positive in 19% (3/16) of the G1 tumors, 63% (5/8) of the G2 tumors and 1/1 of the well-differentiated G3 tumor. 68Ga-DOTANOC-PET/CT was positive in 94% of the G1 tumors, 100% of the G2 tumors and 1/1 of the well-differentiated G3 tumor. Two out of six (33%) of the patients with lymph node metastases (LN+) were 18F-FDG-positive. The 18F-FDG-PET/CT correlated with tumor Ki-67 (P = 0.021). Further, the Krenning score correlated with tumor Ki-67 (P = 0.013). 18F-FDG-positive tumors were significantly larger than the 18F-FDG-negative tumors (P = 0.012). 18F-FDG-PET/CT showed a positive predictive value of 78% in the detection of potentially aggressive tumors (G2, G3, or LN + PNETs); the negative predictive value was 69%. Conclusions 18F-FDG-PET/CT is useful to predict tumor grade but not the LN+ of NF-PNETs. Patients with 18F-FDG-avid NF-PNETs should be referred for surgery. The 68Ga-DOTANOC-PET/CT also has prognostic value since the Krenning score predicts the histopathological tumor grade. Trial registration The study has been registered at ClinicalTrials.gov; Non-functional Pancreatic NET and PET imaging, NCT02621541

    Increasing Prevalence and High Risk of Associated Anomalies in Congenital Vertebral Defects: A Population-based Study

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    Background: Congenital vertebral anomalies are a heterogeneous group of diagnoses, and studies on their epidemiology are sparse. Our aim was to investigate the national prevalence and mortality of these anomalies, and to identify associated anomalies.Methods: We conducted a population-based nationwide register study and identified all cases with congenital vertebral anomalies in the Finnish Register of Congenital Malformations from 1997 to 2016 including live births, stillbirths, and elective terminations of pregnancy because of major fetal anomalies. Cases were categorized based on the recorded diagnoses, associated major anomalies were analyzed, and prevalence and infant mortality were calculated.Results: We identified 255 cases of congenital vertebral anomalies. Of these, 92 (36%) were diagnosed with formation defects, 18 (7.1%) with segmentation defects, and 145 (57%) had mixed vertebral anomalies. Live birth prevalence was 1.89 per 10,000, and total prevalence was 2.20/10,000, with a significantly increasing trend over time (PConclusions: In conclusion, the prevalence of congenital vertebral anomalies is increasing significantly in Finnish registers. Detailed and systematic examination is warranted in this patient population to identify underlying comorbidities as the majority of cases are associated with congenital major anomalies.</p